This is a note to say “Thank You” for your firm’s participation in the construction of our new residence.
Based on personal observation and references from several friends, we knew we made an excellent choice of contractors, when we selected R.A. Bunting and could only “assume” the individual sub-contractors would perform well.
Our home building experience is complete and we are thrilled with our home and consider ourselves fortunate to have met everyone who was involved in the construction. We want you to know that your employees performed high quality work in a professional manner. This is particularly important for you to know as they are young, yet skilled technically and in customer relations.
Long after the installation of our elevator, we began to experience intermittent bizarre behavior from the unit. As the problem would occur randomly, it was very difficult for your service personnel to observe the problem we were reporting, but they never questioned the fact that we were having trouble. Your service personnel were diligent in their attempt to find and repair the problem. While attempting to exhaust all ideas as to what may be causing the difficulty, they measured the level of electricity in our home and discovered that Delaware Power was providing an excessive voltage level. We contacted Delaware Power, they checked on your discovery and called us to advise they found they were providing a higher than expected voltage. As soon as they adjusted the electrical service to the proper level, the mysterious elevator behavior ceased.
Perhaps now you understand why we have been so pleased with your employees. They not only professionally installed our elevator, but they stuck with the problem until it was satisfactorily resolved. Please thank your employees for us.
Sep 12, 2012 by Tony on Delaware Atlantic Elevator